Signs you’re not eating enough fibre (and how you can start!)

Fibre, the queen of digestion, can often be our last thought when thinking of a well-rounded diet. Fibre is the indigestible part of plant based products (e.g. vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, legumes and nuts) that deserve more credit than they get.

Here’s why!

·       They keep our bowels moving regularly.

·       They keep us fuller for longer, reducing cravings between meals and prevent overeating of high calorie food choices.

·      They assist with lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

·      Help reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and bowel cancer.

·       Increase the diversity of our gut bacteria to assist with hormone and immune regulation, brain function and mood.

Daily recommendations vary between age and gender however, the current official recommendation is approximately 25g (women) and 30g (men) of fibre per day. Not sure if you’re meeting those requirements? Our bodies have an incredible ability to let us know if we aren’t quite hitting the mark.

Some signs of not achieving our daily fibre intake include:

·       You’re always hungry.

·       You find yourself straining when going to the loo.

·       You open your bowels less than 3 times per week.

·       Your poo comes out in the form of pebbles or watery porridge.

·       Difficulty regulating your blood sugar or cholesterol levels.

·       You experience the 3pm slump and bloat.

Experiencing one or more of these symptoms? Good chance you may not be meeting those fibre requirements! Increasing your fibre intake can be as easy as a few simple swaps but, be sure to go slow and add plenty of water to help it along! Adding too much at once can cause symptoms such as bloating, stomach cramps and change in bowel motions.

Here’s 5 ways to achieve your daily fibre requirements!

1.     Opt for wholegrain, wholemeal grain-based foods like bread and pasta.

2.     Leave the skin on your fruit and vegetables, this is where most of the fibre is held!

3.     Swap half of your meat portion of legumes or beans! This works especially well in mince dishes like Spaghetti Bol or Mexican dishes.

4.     Sneak fibre into your snacks! Think vegetable sticks, nuts, popcorn, grainy crackers and muesli on top of yoghurt!

5.     Add a side of vegetables or salad to your main meals! Frozen, pre-packaged or fresh, all contain a great amount of fibre to keep you full and hit those targets!

If you are experiencing some of the above symptoms or need some help increasing your fibre intake, our friendly dietitians here at Balance Nutrition can help! Dietitians, Leah and Rhiannon offer personalised advice on gut health and fibre intake. Call us today on 07 4566 0765 to book an appointment or book online here.

Leah Stjernqvist